Welcome to CabineTree LLC




NEW  I have sold part of the business!!!  


I still make tripods and they can be ordered through Shiloh Sharps and Buffalo Arms.


Mould holders (new design, 30% lighter too!!), lead testers, case irons and other products are now being made by ST Machining Products. 

Web site:  www.cowboybullets.com   Products are available as before and all contact and ordering information is there.

Thank you for your past business and Ed is looking forward to continuing the product line.







Just a note to my customers:  READ THE EMAIL PROBLEM NOTICE

If I don't answer the phone, I'm probably gone and may be for several days.  I will return all phone calls if I get a clear message with phone number.  It may not be the same day, but I will call back.  The exception to this is any telle-marketers/sales calls.  I do not return those calls.

Thank you for your business!!


If you need something, my email is: 

jimc@castingstuff.com  NOTE: If you email me and do not get a response, CHECK your spam filter!!!  I have had upset customers that I have responded to who think I'm not returning email.  THIS CONTINUES TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!

Phone: 509-382-2378  

Best time to call is 10-4:00 Pacific time zone.


CabineTree LLC

130 Labrador Lane

Dayton, WA  99328


Products pages:


CabineTree loading Products 

Lead tester, Locking Mould Holders  (NEW, locking adjustment screwNEW,    The new model Mould Holder will now fit 6 hole moulds too),  Case Irons, Wind proof tripods


A couple of photos of the wind proof scope.  I have sold many and feed back has been excellent.  

Reference Pages

Case Annealing Home made case annealer photos

CabineTree LLC Lead Testers Directions for lead testers.

Tester Hardness Cross Reference

Lead Smelter and Lube Making

Primer Testing Reference

Good Links

Photos and Misc  (not casting related, hunting area photos)











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